Posts Tagged ‘Jew’

When you’re asking the wrong question, you never get the right answer. The question is not “who and what is Al-Qaida?” The question is — who hired them.

If you live long enough, you see the same stories, generation after generation — credit manipulation causes depression and starvation, followed by war and weapons based economic recovery; the names may change but the situations and scams do not, from the French Revolution forward to today.

And if you look hard enough, you discover that the people really running the world are not the familiar names you read in the newspapers. You also realize that stories about those famous names are really endless and irrelevant distractions from the more important question that needs to be asked:

Who is responsible for all this confusion? All they talk about is peace. And all we get is war. Is this the human paradigm? Is that why nothing ever gets fixed in the world?

Yes, it’s because the real questions are never asked. The real criminals are never identified.

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Why are they never identified? Because the real criminals own the media. Every story you ever read is what good guys they are, and not about what colossal crimes they have committed. The same is so very true about Americans, who believe they are benevolent heroes, when in reality they have accounted for more unjust murders of innocent people than any other country in history. All in the name of freedom and democracy. How did this happen?

The answer is simple. You know what it is. The people we have been taught not to mention in polite company control every aspect of our lives, and if we mention them in a derogatory way, our lives are then destroyed . . . economically, socially, and in other ways that are worse.

Even the best reporters on the Internet maintain the fiction that it is countries which actually run the world, when for at least the last hundred years those really in charge have been the international money lenders, who have owned and ruled every king and president who has reigned during this period. But this is not reported on, not even by our best reporters, who either know what they have to do to keep their jobs, or they lose their jobs.

I can phrase this question in an even more vivid way. Name me one company, one industry, one profession . . . that is not owned outright or totally manipulated from behind the scenes by Jews? The Catholic church joined the club hundreds of years ago when it let the Rothschilds manage their money. Dupont? Monsanto? Bill Gates? Larry Page? All Jews.

Ezra Pound’s words resonate louder than ever.

“Since the Civil War, It has been useless to speak of the United States as an autonomous entity.”

Anybody who still draws a paycheck from a Jewish source (and that would include the U.S. government, certainly a Jewish source) better realize that by this very act they are no part of any solution, but part of the problem that is well on the way to destroying everything we ever loved or hoped to build.

Two things we must remember now in our political thinking.

  1. The wrong side won World War II. Three Jewish countries got together to destroy the one country in world history that openly opposed this Jewish financial hammerlock on the world. These false pretext invasions of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and a multitude of other countries would not have happened but for the result of World War II. At least they wouldn’t have happened driven by the U.S. military working for Israel.
  2. Anyone who calls themselves a Jew subscribes to the philosophy that they have a right — no, a religious duty — to rob and kill or enslave all the non Jews of the world. This is clearly a pathology that is kept secret by the very commercial interests that are ruled by the insanity of this very philosophy. So when some liberal do-gooder with a degree from Jewish-controlled Harvard University tells you she’s acting in your best interests — and this applies to schools, medicine and practically every category there is — you better think again.

The vast majority of Internet writers who tiptoe around use of the world “Jew” are actually complicit in the coverup of Jewish control of the world by their play-it-safe don’t-want-to-jeopardize that ad-revenue-stream timidity.

“It’s just business,” they chirp, not realizing that each time they fail to call a Jew a Jew, it puts another nail in the collective coffin of humanity, which tries to remain, though comatose, decidedly and happily non Jewish.

So the answer to all of the world’s pressing problems — assuming that most of them can be fixed by the proper application of money — are directly hooked into this Jewish problem, which is control of reality from behind the scenes and by sophisticated technological media manipulation that keeps people locked into their trivialities and oblivious to the colossal murder plot now being executed throughout the world by the same families that have been doing essentially the same thing for hundreds of years.

And exactly what are they doing?

Well, think about what you have left. All that other stuff you used to have, they already took that. Your future earnings? They’ve already taken most of that, not to mention stolen most of the industries from your country that you might have worked for. What they are doing is what they have always done. They’re about to take the rest of what you have, and when they have that, what do you think they’ll do to you?

So now you have the answer. BFD. What are you going to do about it? Let them etch it on your tombstone?

It’s also very important to mention that this is not the problem of one country, or a few countries. It’s the problem of all countries. The countries who refuse to go along with these demonic world bankers, at least those nations which have not already been obliterated, remain under constant threat of sabotage and destabilization.

Always a pack of savage beasts since the Jewish whiskey sellers doused the blankets for the Pequot tribe with smallpox in 1639, Americans have become much better killers since the Jews took over completely, don’t you think?
I’m still trying to decide on the greatest Jewish achievement in American history. There is no shortage of nominees. So you get to decide. Was it:
  1. The sabotaging of the U.S. Constitution by allowing the bankers who funded the Revolutionary War to retain control of U.S. currency? Or was it .
  2. Fomenting the Civil War by first flooding the land with slaves at a high price, then destroying the fabric of fledgling America by insisting the slaves be free. (This destabilization plan is still in operation with unbridled immigration.)
  3. Inventing the atomic bomb. Oh Fukushima.
  4. Putting cancer-viruses in the polio vaccine.
  5. Hiding Tesla’s discoveries, a decision which precipitated all of the petroleum wars of the 20th century and changed the course of world history for the far worse.
  6. Killing Royal Rife. 100 percent success rate curing cancer with vibrational medicine in the 1930s. Think of the people who have been needlessly robbed and killed by Jewish doctors prescribing radiation and chemotherapy.
  7. Television.
  8. Fluoride.
  9. The World Wars, totally unnecessary.
  10. Ruination, prostitution and debauchery of all arts and sciences with the ulterior motive of making Jews superior when they clearly are not, can’t be because of their philosophy. That’s why they buy their Nobel Prizes.

Feel free to write in your own nomination. There is no shortage of evidence. It should eliminate the possibility of you ever asking the wrong question again. This will greatly increase the probability that you will finally, despite massive forces arrayed against you, acquire the correct answer.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida preaching the message that no problem in the world can be authentically addressed without first analyzing tangents caused by Jewish perfidy, which has subverted and diminished every aspect of human endeavor throughout history. Support for his work is wholly derived from people who can understand what he’s saying and know what it means. 250 N. McCall Rd. #2, Englewood FL 34223 USA