Archive for July, 2007

The Bible commands us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6), to speak out for Zion’s sake (Isaiah 62:1) to be watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem (Isaiah 62:6) and to bless the Jewish people (Genesis 12:3). These and so many other verses of the Bible have one overriding message – as Christians we have a Biblical obligation to defend Israel and the Jewish people in their time of need. Source

Taken out of context so that he, Pastor John Hagee, can live the rich life in his mansion, he wil lmisquote and translate,  say whatever needs to be said to get people to follow his Cult. And if you watch this video, you will see that those who follow, are as nutty as the followers of David Koresh in Wacko, Texas.

According to the Form 990 that GETV filed for tax year 2003, Hagee received almost a million dollars in compensation for his work for GETV that year, which amounted to approximately 16 hours per week [10]. (The GETV Board of Directors, which determines his pay, consisted of John Hagee himself, his wife, his son, and a Cornerstone Church member.) However, because he claimed that he worked “80 hours a week” writing books, singing songs, meeting international dignitaries and answering the call to preach the word of God, John Hagee argued: “I deserve every dime I’m getting”


Careful evaluation of the teachings of Hagee, pastor at the San Antonio-based Cornerstone Church, reveals false teaching and a defective view of a basic and essential issue regarding salvation and the Gospel. Hagee preaches another way of salvation for the Jew, which is in direct violation of Paul’s warnings in Galatians 1:6-9.

This theological concept, which has many forms, is primarily referred to as the “Two Covenant” or “Dual Covenant” theory.

“slavery in America was returning to Cornerstone”3 and that each senior “would be auctioned off.”

In March 1996 Hagee caused a furor when he created an uproar in the black community of Texas. Major newspapers of the area reported on his plan to conduct a “slave sale.” The auction was an attempt to raise money for a seniors’ class trip from his private Cornerstone High School. He announced to the congregation that “slavery in America was returning to Cornerstone”3 and that each senior “would be auctioned off.” The highest bidder could have a “slave” work at their house, so the congregation should make plans to “go home with a slave.”

Read more here

Pro-Israel PACs: 2006 Winners, Losers and Other Curiosities


In any given election year, the months between the end of July and election day represent a political action committee’s (PAC) final opportunity to fill in the gaps, correct oversights, respond to late-breaking developments, and in general get one’s ducks in a row. So year-end PAC reports to the Federal Election Commission can make for interesting reading.

The months leading up to Nov. 2, 2006 saw a dark horse emerge in Minnesota’s 5th congressional district. Seemingly out of nowhere, one Ember Reichgott Junge suddenly was receiving contributions from a baker’s dozen of pro-Israel PACs, to the tune of $29,500—not too shabby for a House race. Indeed, the former state senator and broadcast commentator was the only candidate for this open seat to be deemed worthy of these PACs’ support. (Pro-Israel PACs often hedge their bets in races where there’s no incumbent.)

Reichgott Junge was running against—and lost to—one Keith Ellison, who became the first Muslim American elected to the House of Representatives

It took only a quick visit to <>, the excellent Web site of the Center for Responsive Politics, to determine the impetus behind this last-minute largesse. Reichgott Junge was running against—and lost to—one Keith Ellison, who became the first Muslim American elected to the House of Representatives. To add insult to injury, despite having raised a total of $676,477 (from all sources) to Ellison’s $795,047—far outdistancing the other candidates—Reichgott Junge came in third in the Sept. 12 Democratic primary. Pro-Israel PACs took their money and went home, and Ellison went on to easily win the general election.

Playing Catch-Up

Elsewhere, pro-Israel PACs were actively playing catch-up. It’s no surprise that newly Independent (from the Democrats, anyway, if not from AIPAC) Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut was the beneficiary of the most last-minute contributions from pro-Israel PACs, raking in an additional $65,093 for his race to retain his seat. Not too far behind, as predicted by National PAC chairman Mark Vogel (see November 2006 Washington Report, p. 32), was Rhode Island Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse II, who received an additional $47,000 for his successful bid to unseat Republican incumbent Sen. Lincoln Chafee. Re-elected incumbent Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) received $37,724 in the campaign’s final months, for a total of $84,835.

In Ohio, it became apparent that AIPAC favorite Sen. Mike DeWine, the Republican incumbent, would not succeed in staving off a challenge from anti-Iraq war Rep. Sherrod Brown. Nevertheless, pro-Israel PACs contributed an additional $22,000 to DeWine, for a top 10 total of $74,000. Conscientiously hedging their bets, however, they also contributed $23,500 to Brown, for a 2006 total of $33,000.

Other recipients of generous last-minute contributions from pro-Israel PACs included Rep. Deborah Pryce (R-OH), $27,500; Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), $24,889; and former House Speaker Dennis J. Hastert (R-IL), $22,500.

Rep. Steny Hoyer: A Case Study

After years of doggedly trying to climb the ladder of House leadership, Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) finally has made it to the top rungs. Despite his 2001 loss to Rep. Nancy Pelosi in a hard-fought race for House minority leader, Hoyer, like the Energizer Bunny, just kept going and going. Today he is House majority leader, despite Pelosi’s stated preference for Rep. John Murtha (D-PA). Like Pelosi, Murtha strongly opposes the Iraq war—Hoyer, not so much. Coincidentally, for his 2006 re-election campaign Murtha received no pro-Israel PAC contributions—compared to $44,500 for Hoyer.

It was not always thus. Over the previous decade, pro-Israel PAC donations to Hoyer were in the lowly four figures, averaging slightly over $3,500. Once it appeared that his persistance was about to pay off, however, pro-Israel PACs opened their pockets wide, contributing $37,500 to Hoyer during the 2004 election cycle. And, while it does not contribute directly to candidates, AIPAC may well have weighed in when Pelosi backed Murtha as her deputy. After all, what are friends for?

Janet McMahon is managing editor of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs.

The SCUM of the earth, the Israeli soldiers, the sons of “the only democracy” in the Middle East, destroy Palestinian land, people, farms, trees…

And they laugh about it… see for yourself.

Forget the sea! Don’t these Nazis deserve to be thrown in Hell?

In Middle East politics, the corrupt rule. And to ensure that the corrupt maintain their seats of power, one thing must remain constant: US and European support at any cost… even if the oppression of citizens is called “democracy.”

Aside from Israeli terror and tyranny against the Palestinians, the Palestinian “President” has now begun singing and dancing to the drums of “War on Terror.” Lyrics courtesy of the US and the music, written by Britain and other European governments. Using Bush’s tactics and words, the Palestinians are now “reminded” that they are either “with or against Abbas..”


And who did the Palestinians elect to govern them? One thing for certain: it was not Abbas. The Palestinians elected Hamas. They were fed up with the corrupt leadership under those who wanted to fill their pockets!

Senior lawyers who wrote the interim Palestinian constitution have said Mahmoud Abbas, the president, exceeded his powers when he appointed the new emergency cabinet. You may recall such an appointment after the Fatah faction, under Abbas, was humiliated and defeated by Hamas when the latter took over Gaza.

Abbas replaced the unity government, led by Hamas’s Ismail Haniya, after the rival faction pushed security forces loyal to the president out of the Gaza Strip.

Anis al-Qasem and Eugene Cotran, who began drafting the Basic Law more than a decade ago, said it gave Abbas the power to dismiss Haniya but did not allow him to appoint a new government without parliamentary approval.

Abbas’s office had no immediate comment on the lawyers’ remark but a spokesman for his Fatah party said at the weekend that the president’s word was law as long as Hamas had paralyzed parliament.

“The refusal by the US, EU et al to deal with Hamas reflects their disrespect for the wishes of the Palestinian people” Elise, Bemidji, US

Meanwhile, Bush and Olmert found a new “ally” they could manipulate…

To get away with murder, at least for now, Abbas is on record now blaming the recent events in Gaza on Al Qaeda! What?

You heard it right! Now Abbas is Olmert’s “friend.” Abbas is now the headline in Israeli newspapers.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Monday the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas is protecting al Qaeda and allowing it to gain a foothold in Gaza.

 “Through Hamas, al Qaeda is entering the Gaza Strip,” Abbas told Italian state television channel RAI in an interview in the West Bank city of Ramallah ahead of a meeting on Tuesday with visiting Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi. (Reuters)

And that’s good enough for the US and our allies. We will use that to support Abbas, corrupt his government even more and let him reign-in his people (the Palestinians) at the expense of democracy… hey, but that IS democracy! The very same we exported to Afghanistan and Iraq. Look at the results and see how well they’re doing before you criticize US policies…

And for now, Abbas will have his seat… for as long as he appeases us…
