Obama: The “Muslim” President?

Posted: June 4, 2008 in Israel, Middle East, News & Views, Palestinians, Politics, U.S., War crimes, World News, Zionists

The Zionists – especially here on WP- were panicking that Obama may be a “Muslim” candidate or later, President, who will take the side of the Arabs and abandon America’s blind support of a Nation of terrorists and Apartheid.

You should be celebrating now people.. here’s an African man kissing Jewish Ass to make sure he may continue the Presidential race…

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) speaks at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) policy conference in Washington June 4, 2008. Obama said on Wednesday Iran posed a serious threat in the Middle East and vowed to stop it from acquiring a nuclear weapon at the pro-Israel lobby group\'s conference.

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) speaks at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) policy conference in Washington June 4, 2008. Obama said on Wednesday Iran posed a serious threat in the Middle East and vowed to stop it from acquiring a nuclear weapon at the pro-Israel lobby group’s conference.

(Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)

Presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama “listens” to a delegate upon his arrival on stage… I bet he’s hearing something like:

Listen you Mother F.. you do as we say and you just might have a chance in becoming the first black President, otherwise we’ll stuff your black-ass with stars… of David!

And suddenly Obama sings the Jewish National Anthem:

Obama said on Wednesday Iran posed a serious threat in the Middle East and vowed to stop it from acquiring a nuclear weapon at the pro-Israel lobby group’s conference. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque (UNITED STATES) US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION CAMPAIGN 2008

Obama said Wednesday that Jerusalem must remain the “undivided” capital of Israel in a speech to a powerful US-Israel lobby group here.

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama assured Jewish leaders Wednesday that he will be a steadfast ally of Israel and will not negotiate with terrorist groups, a response to attacks leveled against him recently by Republicans. Obama backed a Palestinian state that is ‘contiguous and cohesive,’ but also said any agreement must ‘preserve Israel’s identity as a Jewish state, with secure, recognized and defensible borders. Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided,’ he said.

There you go Mr. Obama… go ahead and support the Apartheid State of Israel and a racist state that “must preserve its identity as a Jewish state..” even when 60% of Israelis are secular!

  1. anthem says:

    […] Israeli National Anthem: Bomb Iran support Apartheid, allow Israel to continue its NaZionist agenda!https://attendingtheworld.wordpress.com/2008/06/04/obama-the-muslim-president/ANTHEM WORLDWIDEhttp://www.anthemworldwide.com/Anthem College – Your Career. Your Way.Anthem College […]

  2. incogman says:

    Photographic Essay on the USS Liberty perfidy against America, at my blog site!


  3. […] jark wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptThe Zionists – especially here on WP- were panicking that Obama may be a “Muslim” candidate or later, President, who will take the side of the Arabs and abandon America’s blind support of a Nation of terrorists and Apartheid. … […]

  4. Interesting post. I never looked at any of this…or heard of it. I wonder why the media doesn’t touch it…

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