Archive for the ‘Hitler’ Category

Netanyahu vows tough stance!

After two decades of intermittent “negotiations, including five years of deadlock following Netanyahu’s return to power in 2009, the United States relaunched peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians last July.

Read more:

But we know the illegitimate state called Israel, never wanted peace nor is it interested in peace. The terrorist-established state wants another PIECE of Palestine and reduce Palestine and Palestinians to tribes as in America, with Indian tribes occupying certain territories but really have no state!

This has been addressed time and again here. I’ve selected a couple of old articles from this blog as examples to prove that peace is the last thing on Israelis minds.. or until Palestinians give up what remains of their land.

Don’t despair though. Palestine shall RETURN to Palestinians. And as long as Israelis keep vowing to take a tough stance, they will eventually find themselves back where they belong: the ghettos of Europe!

palestine flag waving


There is no doubt that there was a Holocaust and crimes against humanity during World War II.

But when facts are fabricated and repeated over and over again, the fabrications and lies take a sharp turn and people, hearing these fabrications over and over start believing the lie.

And so is the Holocaust Lie about the 6 million “Jews.”

Historic facts cannot be hidden regardless of who tries. Nazi crimes against the Polish nation are recorded. 2 Million of the 3 million Jews were ethnic Poles. Approximately six (6) million Polish citizens,divided nearly equally between Christian and Jewish Poles, perished during World War II. Most were civilians killed by the actions of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union and their respective allies. Yet Jewish propaganda will gladly include any number (in millions only please) to exaggerate the number of Jews killed! They are always the victims (despite the continued atrocities they commit against Palestinians) and the world is always anti-Semitic! Yet Jews’ anti-Semitism against Muslims and Palestinians is encouraged.

Now an idiot calling himself an author exacerbates this lie in a new so-called-book!

Hypocrisy and Lies

Hypocrisy and Lies

The book, consists of the single word “Jew,” in tiny type, printed 6 million times to “signify the number of Jews killed” during the Holocaust. It is meant as a kind of coffee-table monument of memory, a conversation starter and thought provoker!

“When you look at this at a distance, you can’t tell whether it’s upside down or right side up, you can’t tell what’s here; it looks like a pattern,” said Phil Chernofsky, the author, though that term may be something of a stretch. “That’s how the Nazis viewed their victims: These are not individuals, these are not people, these are just a mass we have to exterminate.”


Isn’t this how the Israelis view their victims (the Palestinians)? They are not individuals, not people, just a mass the Jewish Nazi State wishes to exterminate!

Palestinian Child dragged to torture - Copy shouts - Copy (2) settler-kids-guns - Copy (2) gas the arabs - Copy Jewish Terrorist Forces - Copy shouts Judaism is Terror israeli-children-attacking-arab-woman civilians under attack Armed Israeli settlers

Nazi Israel

Nazi Israel


NCIS, the TV show on CBS, makes every effort to brainwash us to sympathize with Israelis while showing Muslim-looking or Arabic- sounding-name people, look like terrorists!

CBS, the Israeli Channel

CBS, the Israeli Channel

Case and point: January 7 or 8 episode and January 14 2014 episode. Look at the photos below!

Wasn’t this what Hitler’s propaganda was all about against Jews and Poles? It seems that history does repeat itself and reincarnates Hitlerism, but this time against anyone Muslim or Arab, Pakistani or, simply, dark-skinned Asians.

Why the Hell do we need to see an Israeli terrorist flag when the show the night this was shown did not have anything to do with Israel? Why does CBS promote an Apartheid country of terrorists who treat Palestinians worse than the Nazis treated Jews?



May he burn in Hell!

settler-kids-guns An Armed Rabbi killing in the name of Judaism The Chosen

May his grave be just a taste of eternal punishment he will receive on the day God “welcomes” the tyrants of the world – The Pharaoh, Hitler, Begin, Sharon, Sadat, Sisi, Bush and Netanyahu, etc., to eternal damnation in Hell.

That is when JUSTICE shall prevail.

Judaism: Evil and Violent!

The so-called “Jewish” state, which is really a state of pagans and NaZionists does not think.  They simply think God created them and in His name proceed to kill everyone who stands in their way! But they are really commanded by the devil himself…

Holocaust against Palestininas

The Nazis were more merciful towards the Jews they massacred. Israelis are, in comparison, subhuman. Here are excerpts from “Jewish” leaders..

We need to flatten entire neighborhoods in Gaza. Flatten all of Gaza. The Americans didn’t stop with Hiroshima – the Japanese weren’t surrendering fast enough, so they hit Nagasaki, too.

There should be no electricity in Gaza, no gasoline or moving vehicles, nothing. Then they’d really call for a ceasefire.

Were this to happen, the images from Gaza might be unpleasant – but victory would be swift, and the lives of our soldiers and civilians spared.

– Gilad Sharon, the son of former prime minister and notorious war criminal Ariel Sharon, has called for the Israeli army to “flatten” Gaza as the US flattened the Japanese city of Hiroshima in 1945 with an atomic bomb. November 2012

Meanwhile in a message to soldiers, Knesset member Michael Ben-Ari of the National Union party exhorted soldiers to kill without thought or mercy.

“Brothers! Beloved soldiers and commanders – preserve your lives! Don’t give a hoot about Goldstone! There are no innocents in Gaza, don’t let any diplomats who want to look good in the world endanger your lives[;] at any tiniest concern for your lives – Mow them!,” Ben-Ari was quoted as saying by the website HaKol HaYehudi.

Ben-Ari was referring to the UN-commissioned Goldstone report that documented war crimes and crimes against humanity during Israel’s 2008-2009 invasion of Gaza which left more than 1,400 Palestinians, mostly civilians, dead.

Ben-Ari is also notorious for his incitement against Africans and for his hatred of Christians. In July he tore up a New Testament, calling it “abominable” and threw it in the trash.


A video posted on YouTube shows an Israeli mob rampaging in Jerusalem on 24 February with multiple voices heard shouting the racist slogan, “A Jew is a soul [i.e human], an Arab is a son of a whore.”

And such is Israeli love for peace and democracy! And the sheep of the world believe these heathens.


And in the U.S.A..

Israeli professor working in US calls Palestinian student a “cockroach”


The first incident occurred on Monday, 4 March, when the Claremont group of Students for Justice in Palestine launched its series of events marking Israeli Apartheid Week with street theater actions simulating mock Israeli military checkpoints at three of the colleges throughout the day. Israeli Apartheid Week is marked at campuses nationwide and internationally to educate the wider public about Israel’s occupation and supremacist rule in Palestine.

At one point that evening, a man who was later identified as a faculty member at Claremont McKenna College aggressively approached the Students for Justice in Palestine members staffing a mock checkpoint which was set up outside an entrance of the Collins Dining Hall on the campus.

The professor, Yaron Raviv, who is an Israeli citizen and teaches economics at Claremont McKenna College, demanded that the dining hall staff, the dean of students and campus security remove the Students for Justice in Palestine members from the




But since Students for Justice in Palestine had acquired official permission for its event and had its paperwork in order, neither the school officials nor the dining staff agreed to remove the students. They did request, however, that the students not block the doorway.

The student activists complied with this request, according to a Claremont McKenna College Campus Safety and Security officer’s incident report.

A Palestinian member of Students for Justice in Palestine, Najib Hamideh, then walked up to the professor and politely asked his reason for being there, requesting that the man identify himself. In an exchange verified and quoted in the officer’s report, the professor then responded, “Fuck off, you cockroach.”

According to Hamideh, Raviv next referred to all the Students for Justice in Palestine members as cockroaches, and then asked him which of the Claremont colleges Hamideh belonged to. When Hamideh replied that he attends Pitzer College, Raviv then responded that “all Pitzer kids are cockroaches,” Hamideh says.


I ask again.. how does Israel (or Israelis) think? They don’t.. they’re savages. They’re subhuman.. and Hell awaits them!

In Israel, Romney declares Jerusalem to be capital

KASIE HUNT, Associated Press
Updated 11:22 a.m., Sunday, July 29, 2012

Nazi Zionist (NaZionist) supporter!

Submissive Ass-Kissing Romney.. all for a fistful of Jewish Votes!

Israeli Grand Terrorist and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, right, and US Republican presidential candidate and Israeli Ass Kisser, Mitt Romney, meet at the Prime Minister’s office in Jerusalem, Sunday, July 29, 2012. Romney would back an Israeli military strike against Iran aimed at preventing Tehran from obtaining nuclear capability, a top foreign policy adviser said early Sunday, outlining the aggressive posture the Republican presidential candidate will take toward Iran in a speech in Israel later in the day. Photo: Lior Mizrahi, Pool / AP
As bad as Obama proved to be, I’d rather vote him than voting for this Jewish-Ass-Kisser spineless “politician!!!”
Look at the above picture – again: see the weak and submissive demeanor and nature of Romney next to his idol, the terrorist of Israel? Romney is another supporter of “demonic” state of Israel!

Art of Resistance – A Comment on Günter Grass

By Gilad Atzmon

Outrage in Germany, Nobel Laureate Günter Grass has, once again told the truth about Israel being the greatest threat to world peace.

Günter Grass, Germany’s most famous living author and the 1999 recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature, sparked outrage in Germany on Wednesday with the publication of a poem, “What must be said,” in which he sharply criticizes Israel’s offensive approach towards Iran.

Once again, it is the artist rather than the politician, who tells the truth as it is.  Once again it is the Artist rather than the academic who speaks out.

 “Why did I wait until now at this advanced age and with the last bit of ink to say: The nuclear power Israel is endangering a world peace that is already fragile?” Wrote Grass.

In the poem, published by Germany’s Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper and other European dailies on Wednesday, Grass also calls for an

“unhindered and permanent monitoring of Israel’s nuclear potential and Iran’s nuclear facility through an international entity that the government of both countries would approve.”

Israel and some German Jewish prominent voices were quick to react. The Israeli Embassy in Berlin issued a statement offering its own version of ‘What must be said.’

“What must be said is that it is a European tradition to accuse the Jews before the Passover festival of ritual murder,” the statements reads.

Pretty outrageous, don’t you think? In the open Israel together with its supportive Jewish lobbies (AIPAC, AJC)  are pushing for a new global conflict. Yet, shamelessly the embassy defies criticism tossing in the air the old blood libel. The appropriate timely question here is why Israel and AIPAC are pushing for a world war and a potential nuclear conflict just before Passover? Can they just wait for another Yom Kippur (atonement day)?

Watch this:

The Israeli Embassy continues,

“in the past, it was Christian children whose blood the Jews allegedly used to make their unleavened bread, but today it is the Iranian people that the Jewish state allegedly wants to annihilate.”

Isn’t it really the case? Every military expert suggests that Israeli pre-emptive attack on Iran could escalate into a nuclear conflict. If anything Grass tries like others, including your truly, to prevent Israel from celebrating its lethal symptoms once again.

The Israeli embassy noticed though that “Israel is the only state in the world whose right to exist is openly doubted.”

Correct, and so it should be. Israel is a racist, expansionist state, it doesn’t have room amongst nations.

The Central Council of Jews in Germany also called the poem an “aggressive pamphlet of agitation.” I wonder, is it really aggressive to try and restrain an aggressor?

The German newspaper Die Welt, which apparently obtained an advance copy of Grass’ poem, published a response by rabid Zionist Henryk Broder,  the country’s most prominent Jewish writer. “Grass always had a problem with Jews, but it has never articulated it as clearly as he has in this poem.”  Broder said  “Grass has always had a tendency toward megalomania, but this time he is completely nuts.” I would expect Germany’s  leading Jewish writer to come with something slightly more astute.

Border however may be correct when he notes that Grass is “haunted by guilt and shame and also driven by the desire to settle history, he is now attempting to disarm the ’cause of the recognizable threat.’”

Wednesday’s poem is not the first time Grass has come out with critical views of Israel. In a 2001 interview with SPIEGEL ONLINE, he offered his own solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“Israel doesn’t just need to clear out of the occupied areas,” he said at the time. “The appropriation of Palestinian territory and its Israeli settlements are also a criminal activity. That not only needs to be stopped — it also needs to be reversed. Otherwise there will be no peace.”

Broder contends that such a statement is “no less than a demand for Israel to not just cede Nablus and Hebron, but also Tel Aviv and Haifa. ” he continues, “Grass does not differentiated between the ‘occupied areas’ of 1948 and 1967.” Needless to say that from an ethical perspective Grass is correct-there is no difference between 1948 and 1967. The Jewish State located itself on historic Palestine on the expense of the Palestinian people. I guess that Grass understood already in 2001 that the Jews only State must be transformed into a ‘State of its Citizens’. Israel should embrace the true notion of peace, universalism and inclusiveness.  But I guess that we shouldn’t hold our breath for it is not going to happen soon.