Posts Tagged ‘Zionism’



Israeli scum “settlers” take over a Palestinian building in the occupied West Bank. Mamoun WazwazAPA images

Steal my land, kick me out and yet I will protect you, you scum Ashkenazi terrorist!

On Monday Augus 10, 2015, the US government requested that a New York court “reduce” the bond the PA is required to post while it appeals against a ruling that found it liable for a series of attacks between 2002 and 2004 in Jerusalem and present-day Israel.

One of the reasons cited for supporting the PA is that the US regards it as playing an important role in protecting Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank.

Read more here

The best comment to the above was:

And who is protecting Palestinians? How much in $$ is the US to allocate
to Palestine’s government for security against any and all encroachments
by Israel (and US)?

In fact, the settler’s must go, now or later. I would support US “aid” to Israel (coordinated with Palestine) for their immediate evacuation.

Should they so desire, they could apply to Palestine for housing in competition with the thousands of Palestinians who have been forced to live in camps for decades after coerced dispossession (by force) by Israel. That indeed would be money well-spent.

Any other US policy in support of settlements or in support of PA doing the dirty work (“stability”???) makes the US complicit in Israeli extermination policy. Of course, such policies guarantee war, death, destruction, oppression of Palestinians.

It seems the US has frequently enjoyed participation in brutal oppressions. This is not “news”!

Peter Loeb, Boston, MA, USA

Until there are none left.

—-Peter Loeb, Boston, MA, USA

Now imagine the Allies asking Jews during the Holocaust to be “more tolerant” of Nazis!

Makes perfect sense! Always blame the victims!

“Perhaps as many as half of the Jews living in Israel will consider leaving Palestine in the next few years if political and social trends continue.”

Dr. Franklin Lamb

Perhaps historians or cultural anthropologists surveying the course of human events can identify for us a land, in addition to Palestine, where such a large percentage of a recently arrived colonial population prepared to exercise their right to depart, while many more, with actual millennial roots but victims of ethnic cleansing, prepared to exercise their right of Return.

One of the many ironies inherent in the 19th century Zionist colonial enterprise in Palestine is the fact that this increasingly fraying project was billed for most of the 20th century as a haven in the Middle East for “returning” persecuted European Jews.  But today, in the 21st century, it is Europe that is increasingly being viewed by a large number of the illegal occupiers of Palestinian land as the much desired haven for returning Middle Eastern Jews.

To paraphrase Jewish journalist Gideon Levy “If our forefathers dreamt of an Israeli passport to escape from Europe, there are many among us who are now dreaming of a second passport to escape to Europe.

Several studies in Israel and one conducted by AIPAC and another by the Jewish National  Fund in Germany show that perhaps as many as half of the Jews living in Israel will consider leaving Palestine in the next few years if current political and social trends continue.  A 2008 survey by the Jerusalem-based Menachem Begin Heritage Center found that 59% of Israelis had approached or intended to approach a foreign embassy to inquire about or apply for citizenship and a passport. Today it is estimated that the figure is approaching 70%.

The number of Israelis thinking of leaving Palestine is climbing rapidly according to researchers at Bar-Ilan University who conducted a study published recently in Eretz Acheret, (“A Different Place”)   an Israeli NGO that claims to promote cultural dialogue.  What the Bar-Ilan study found is that more than 100,000 Israelis already hold a German passport, and this figure increases by more than 7,000 every year along an accelerating trajectory. According to German officials, more than 70,000 such passports have been granted since 2000.

In addition to Germany, there are more than one million Israelis with other foreign passports at the ready in case life in Israel deteriorates.  One of the most appealing countries for Israelis contemplating emigration, as well as perhaps the most welcoming, is the United States. Currently more than 500,000 Israelis hold US passports with close to a quarter million pending applications.

During the recent meetings in Washington DC between Israeli Prime Minister Terrorist Netanyahu’s delegation and Israel’s US agents, assurances were reportedly given by AIPAC officials that if and when it becomes necessary, the US government will expeditiously issue American passports to any and all Israeli Jews seeking them.


Israeli Arabs need not apply.

AIPAC also represented to their Israeli interrogators that the US Congress could be trusted to approve funding for arriving Israeli Jews “to be allocated substantial cash resettlement grants to ease transition into their new country.”

Protesters outside of AIPAC conference at Wash...

Image via Wikipedia

Apart from the Israeli Jews who may be thinking of getting an “insurance passport” for a Diaspora land, there is a similar percentage of Jews worldwide who aren’t going to make aliyah. According to Jonathan Rynhold, a Bar Ilan professor specializing on U.S.-Israel relations, Jews may be safer in Teheran than Ashkelon these days—until Israel or the USA starts bombing Iran.

Interviews with some of those who either helped conduct the above noted studies or have knowledge of them, identify several factors that explain the Israeli rush for foreign passports, some rather surprising, given the ultra-nationalist Israeli culture.


The common denominator is unease and anxiety, both personal and national, with the second passport considered a kind of insurance policy “for the rainy days visible on the horizon,” as one researcher from Eretz Acheret explained.

Now, they know they can live in Russia as part of a community and they don’t need Israel.”
Other factors include:

The fact that two or three generations in Israel has not proven enough to implant roots where few if any existed before. For this reason Israel has produced a significant percentage of “re-immigration” — a return of immigrants or their descendants to their country of origin which Zionist propaganda to the contrary notwithstanding, is not Palestine.

Fear that religious fanatics from among the more than 600,000 settlers terrorists in the West Bank will create civil war and essentially annex pre-1967 Israel and turn Israel more toward an ultra-fascist state.

Centripetal pressures within Israeli society, especially among Russian immigrants who overwhelmingly reject Zionism. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, some one million Jews have come to Israel from the former Soviet Union, enlarging the country’s population by 25 percent and forming the largest concentration in the world of Russian Jews. But today, Russian Jews comprise the largest group emigrating from Israel and they have been returning in droves for reasons ranging from opposition to Zionism, discrimination, and broken promises regarding employment and “the good life” in Israel.

Approximately 200,000 or 22% of Russians coming to Israel since 1990 have so far returned to their country.  According to Rabbi Berel Larzar, who has been Russia’s chief Rabbi since 2000, “It’s absolutely extraordinary how many people are returning. When Jews left, there was no community, no Jewish life. People felt that being Jewish was an historical mistake that happened to their family. Now, they know they can live in Russia as part of a community and they don’t need Israel.”

No faith in or respect for Israeli leaders, most of whom are considered corrupt.

Feelings of anxiety and guilt that Zionism has hijacked Judaism and that traditional Jewish values are being corrupted.

The increasing difficulty of providing coherent answers to one’s children, as they become more educated and aware of their family history, and indeed honesty to oneself, on the question of why families from Europe and elsewhere are living on land and in homes stolen from others who obviously are local and did not come from some other place around the World.

The recent growing appreciation, for many Israelis, significantly abetted by the Internet and the continuing Palestinian resistance, of the compelling and challenging Palestinians’ narrative that totally undermines the Zionist clarion of the last century of “A Land without a People for a People without a Land.’

Fear mongering of the political leaders designed to keep citizens supporting the government’s policies ranging from the Iranian bomb, the countless ‘Terrorists” seemingly everywhere and planning another Holocaust, or various existential threats that keep families on edge and concluding that they don’t want to raise their children under such conditions.

Explaining that he was speaking as a private citizen and not as a member of Democrats Abroad Israel, New York native Hillel Schenker suggested that Jews who come to Israel “want to make sure that they have the possibility of an alternative to return whence they came.”  He added that the “insecurities involved in modern life, and an Israel not yet living at peace with any of its neighbors, have also produced a phenomenon of many Israelis seeking a European passport, based on their family roots, just in case.”

Gene Schulman, a Senior American-Jewish fellow at the Switzerland-based Overseas American Academy, put it even more drastically, emphasizing that all Jews are “scared to death of what is probably going to become of Israel even if the U.S. continues its support for it.”

Many observers of Israeli society agree that a major, if unexpected recent impetus for Jews to leave Palestine has been the past three months of the Arab Awakening that overturned Israel’s key pillars of regional support.

According to Layal,  a Palestinian student from Shatila Camp, who is preparing for the June 5th “Naksa” march to the Blueline in South Lebanon:

“What the Zionist occupiers of Palestine saw from Tahir Square in Cairo to Maroun al Ras in South Lebanon has convinced many Israelis that the Arab and Palestinian resistance, while still in its nascence, will develop into a massive and largely peaceful ground swell, such that no amount of weapons or apartheid administration can insure a Zionist future in Palestine. They are right to seek alternative places to raise their families.”


The Israeli thugs and NaZionists may have killed 14 of these brave young men. More are ready to die in order to liberate their lands. Watch closely you nation of thugs and terrorists: these Arab Syrian men are unarmed. We shall cross the border and we’re ready to die for our just cause and the liberation of our lands. And without weapons even. For wave after wave of Arabs will cross.. and you may kill as many as you like, in the end, we shall trample you to death.. and then we will dump what is left of your filthy bodies in the Mediterranean.

On second thought, why pollute the Mediterranean? Maybe we should just burn your remains so that you are erased from history!


Next Year in Jerusalem!
Next Year in Golan Heights!


A response to Eustace Mullins’ speech concerning Zionist complicity with the alleged ‘Jewish Holocaust’

Last week, a video was making the rounds of a speech given by one of the greatest historians of the 20th century, Eustace Mullins, in which he was suggesting that the Nazi concentration camps were the result of Zionist cooperation with the German Nazis for the purpose of eliminating those parts of European Jewry who were opposed to the Zionist plan of relocating all European Jews to a future Jewish State in Palestine.

1933: Zionists sign a deal with Hitler – The Transfer Agreement

Implied in Mullins’ suggestion was that at least some of the Nazi concentration camps had in fact – as the law-enforced Judeo-Bolshevik narrative of WWII wants us to believe – the purpose of industrial-scale mass killings. That’s obviously nonsense.

Yes, the Jews have cooperated with the Nazi, as they have been doing for centuries with any political or religious cause of any traction, in pursuit of their own evil agendas. I call it the ‘Jewish dark art of gate-keeping‘. In fact, as we have learned from Edwin Black’s book titled ‘The Transfer Agreement‘ and Hennecke Kardel’s ‘Adolf Hitler – Founder of Israel‘ , the Zionists did not only closely cooperate with the Nazis on their common goal of relocating all European Jews to Palestine, but they actually financed and controlled the Nazis. In fact many first and second tier Nazis were (crypto-)Jews themselves and there have been hundreds of thousands of Jews fighting for Hitler in the German Wehrmacht.

However, you don’t even have to bother studying the excellent revisionist work of an Arthur Butz[1], Robert Faurisson[2], Carlo Mattogno[3] or Germar Rudolf[4], available in the online books sections of the Rebel News site, or invest a couple of evenings watching the irrefutable and undisputed evidence provided in oustanding revisionist documentaries such as ‘One Third of the Holocaust (2008)‘, ‘Buchenwald (2008)‘ and even ‘David Cole in Auschwitz (1992)‘, published in the history category of Rebel News’ opinion section, to figure out that the Judeo-Bolshevik narrative of the so-called Jewish Holocaust is a hoax. The mere fact that 65 years after the alleged events, anyone performing or publishing research that contradicts the official narrative is systematically destroyed, even risks being abducted and imprisoned, is sufficient evidence that the official narrative is a lie. In places like Germany revisionists aren’t even allowed to defend themselves by providing evidence for their claims. What more proof does common sense need?

In other words, Mullins was right to the extent that German National Socialism was indeed a merger of Italian style fascism, an anti-Communist movement controlled by elements in the Italian aristocracy and Catholic Church, and Rothschild-Zionism. Much of the blatant racism displayed by some Nazis towards non-Germans, for example Julius Streicher’s “Der Stuermer”, was nothing more than a Germanised version of 3000 year old Jewish supremacism, which is exactly the reason why the Israeli conduct in Palestine reminds us so much of Nazi Germany.

[1] Arthur Butz, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century
[2] Robert Faurisson, The Leuchter Reports
[3] Carlo Mattogno, Concentration Camp Majdanek
[4] Germar Rudolf, Lectures on the Holocaust, Dissecting the Holocaust and The Rudolf Report

Why I don’t believe in the Holocaust

The heretics dilemma: Attack or not attack the Zionist Achilles heel
Pro-Palestinian Activism and the Holocult: A Modern Tragicomedy
The Jewish Holocaust and the New World Order
Which German debt?
Hitler, his bankers and the Holocaust
Why I believe the Jews are lying about the Holocaust
The Holocaust and the Middle-East


Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...

Image via CrunchBase

Why did Facebook shut down a Palestinian page that gathered over 300,000 Palestinian members?

Then another page sprung up and immediately got over 200,000 Palestinians. And it too was immediately threatened by Facebook to be shut down.

It seems that Zuckerberg doesn’t mind Arabs seeking their freedoms and democracies, but when Palestinians do the same against the NaZionist terrorist state of Israel, Zuckerberg will not allow it! Loyal to his kinfolk?

The Hypocrisy! Zionism in action, is what this is.

Read this interesting article about Zuckerberg here.

ATTENDING THE WORLD blog is linked to a facebook page. I wonder if this post will remain on facebook or will be taken down.

The challenge!

This has to be seen to be believed.

Dr. Martin Kramer, a fellow at Harvard’s National Security Studies Program, has posted a speech he delivered two weeks ago in Israel in which he urged solving the Palestinian refugee problem by population control i.e “stopping pro-natal subsidies to Palestinians with refugee status.” In other words, starve the Palestinians so they don’t have babies and, he seems to be saying, starving the babies so they don’t grow up.

That will help reduce the terrorist threat by preventing Palestinian babies from becoming “superfluous young men.” It is, Kramer says, those “superfluous young men” who become radicals.

Aging populations reject radical agenda and the Middle East is no different. Now eventually, this will happen among the Palestinians, too. But it will happen faster if the West stops providing pro-natal subsidies for Palestinians with refugee status. Those subsidies are one reason why in the ten years, from 1997 to 2007, Gaza’s population grew by an astonishing 40%. At that rate, Gaza’s population will double by 2030 to three million. Israel’s present sanctions on Gaza have a political aim, undermine the Hamas regime, but they also break Gaza’s runaway population growth and there is some evidence that they have. That may begin to crack the culture of martyrdom, which demands a constant supply of superfluous young men.

Here is Kramer himself touting his idea on his personal blog.

This is right out of Jonathan Swift. Instead of arguing for jobs, economic opportunity, and self-determination to ensure that these baby boys can have productive lives, Kramer argues for preventing them from growing up.

Watch the clip yourself. This guy, Harvard, Washington Institute of Near East Policy, and President of the Shalem Center in Jerusalem seems to be advocating genocide.

Unbelievable. Imagine if this was a Muslim Scholar saying the same about Jews or Israelis! Any doubt that Israel is Nazism incarnate?

(Here is Kramer’s response to the above piece. It is, if anything, creepier than his original presentation.

The stupidity and ignorance of these Egyptians specifically and Arabs in general is just overwhelmingly embarrassing. While the filth of Judaism and Zionism continue to steal, massacre and humiliate Arab Palestinians, Arabs are more concerned with a soccer-match results!

Your Sacred sites are under attack! The NaZionists are about to destroy Al Aqsa and Dome of the Rock while you are busy with %$#@ soccer results! Direct your protests to your Palestinian brothers and sisters! Demand your Pharaoh to step down.. his Botox-infested face belongs in a Museum.. next to Hitler!

It’s time for Arabs to annihilate NaZionism and return the land to its rightful owners!

Football protests continue in Egypt

Algeria’s 1-0 victory over Egypt means the largest Arab nation has failed to qualify again [AFP]

Demonstrators have gathered for a second day near the Algerian embassy in Cairo, protesting against attacks on Egyptians during an Algeria-Egypt qualifying match for football’s World Cup finals.

The protest on Friday follows Cairo’s decision to recall its ambassador to Algeria, accusing Algerian fans of thuggery during the match in Sudan on Wednesday – which Algeria won 1-0 to qualify for next year’s World Cup.

The interior ministry warned Egyptians against further protests after 11 police officers and 24 demonstrators were injured in riots near the embassy at dawn on Friday.

Such demonstrations are almost rare in Cairo.

“The police will be forced to take steps it sees necessary in the case of any other contraventions of the law,” the ministry said in a statement.

Violent protest

About 150 demonstrators gathered on Friday in the Zamalek neighbourhood, where many embassies are located.

Police trucks and hundreds of officers in riot gear formed a cordon along the streets to block their way to the Algerian embassy, a witness told Reuters news agency.

Passing cars hooted and some waved Egyptian flags in support of the demonstrators. Stones and broken glass from the previous night’s violence littered the street.

About 2,000 demonstrators gathered during the night and many began throwing bottles and stones after a police charge to break up the crowd. Two police vehicles were overturned.

Sudan hosted the Egypt-Algeria tie amid unprecedented security, deploying thousands of police to prevent trouble.

An earlier match played in Egypt last Saturday also triggered violence, with the Algerian players complaining that their team bus was attacked by Egyptian supporters.

Reprisal attacks reportedly followed in Algeria, with Cairo alleging that Egyptian firms and businesses were targeted in Algiers, the Algerian capital.