Posts Tagged ‘Quran’

I find it interesting that some bloggers here assume that people are as ignorant as they are. Or maybe by making certain statements (look it up yourself…) they assume that people will just take their word for it.

An uneducated (as in ignorant) blogger wrote this about the situation in the Middle East – and particularly, Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood:

If you are not familiar with these gangsters of islam then you should spend some time doing a bit of research about them.  It isn’t hard to find all sorts of information about them on the internet, they’re a highly visible group.  They are a well organized, determined and frightening bunch intent on overthrowing western-minded civilizations and instituting rigid compliance with sharia law.

Interesting and false claim. Here’s what my own research about the Muslim Brotherhood revealed:


It was founded in 1928 in Egypt by the Islamic scholar and schoolteacher Hassan al-Banna. The Brotherhood’s stated goal is to instill the Qur’an and Sunnah as the “sole reference point for … ordering the life of the Muslim family, individual, community … and state”.[4] Since its inception in 1928 the movement has officially opposed violent means to achieve its goals.

Wikipedia also states that the Council on Foreign Relations says: “At various times in its history, the group has used or supported violence and has been repeatedly banned in Egypt for attempting to overthrow Cairo’s secular government. Since the 1970s, however, the Egyptian Brotherhood has disavowed violence and sought to participate in Egyptian politics.”

Interestingly, Wikipedia does not provide a link to the Council on Foreign Relations ( an impressive name and one that projects authority), regardless of their biased and incorrect anti-Islamic statements. If a couple of “personalities” are among its members, then we consider it a credible source? Further research reveals who they are. For now, let’s stay on the topic of the Brotherhood.

You can read more details about the Brotherhood on Wikipedia and the link is provided; unlike the moron who wrote the hate-statement in which he’s really trying to undermine a religion, based on his own anti-Semitic views and without any reference.

What is really intriguing on Wikipedia, is the fact that Osama Bin Laden had criticized the group!

The Mubarak oppressive and tyrant regime was behind the Brotherhood being accused of terrorism. It was a classic “Divide and Conquer” principle in which Mubarak’s regime ensured its grip remained supported and financed by the West.

Jewish Virtual Library

From the name, one can be certain that this militant Jewish view will have nothing positive to say about another religion, especially Islam. They write (about the Brotherhood):

The organization’s motto is as follows: “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”

An important aspect of the Muslim Brotherhood ideology is the sanctioning of jihad such as the 2004 fatwa issued by Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi making it a religious obligation of Muslims to abduct and kill U.S. citizens in Iraq.

I must say that these are impressive and strong accusations. I searched English and Arabic sites in which any of the above would appear as a direct quote to Qaradawi, or, at least something similar, and I failed to find one such statement. If you, the reader can, I welcome any reference and we’ll jointly evaluate and debate. When a group or a government wants to discredit someone or another country or group, it will make such statements as if they were facts without any reference, credible or otherwise!

The above image was found on an Arabic Blog. It reads:  Allah is our [ultimate] objective. The Prophet is our Example. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest aspiration.”

Jihad of course is the word Zionists and Neocons cleverly use to “prove” that Islam is all about war an/or killing; an utterly hateful and false claim. The Arabic word (Jihad) means struggle; not war. However, when it was used as struggle against the pagans of Mecca during the days of the Prophet, then of course it meant war!  That was when Muslims had to defended themselves against the pagans of Arabia.

The “Dying in the way of Allah is our highest aspiration/ hope” does not – promote war. During the time of the Prophet and in Muslims defending themselves against the pagans, the Quran comforted those new Muslims that their reward is highest than anyone elses if they were killed defending themselves against the pagans. This reward is an immediate entry to Paradise, according to Islamic belief, and living eternity directly below the Throne of God Almighty. In other words, the ceiling of one’s abode, is the Throne of Almighty!  Today it still means the same thing: that if one were to die defending his family, his honor or his country, the reward would be the same. The Quran clearly states that:

2:190 Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors.
60:8 Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just.

On Wikipedia, it is stated that the Brotherhood preaches that Islam enjoins man to strive for social justice, the eradication of poverty and corruption, and political freedom to the extent allowed by the laws of Islam. The Brotherhood strongly opposes Western colonialism, and helped overthrow the pro-western monarchies in Egypt and other Muslim countries during the early 20th century.

Sounds like what we stand for in the U.S., does it not? We value freedom and don’t like colonialism, unless it is us doing it!

Sharia Law

Again, this blogger antisemitic and hate to Muslims and Islam is quite apparent in and from posting the famous photo-shopped picture of  a woman who was supposedly stoned to death. If you examine the picture casually, you will notice that the woman’s image is inserted in what seems to be a “hole” with rocks all around her and red marks on her face. Yet, there’s no spilled blood, no torn dress, dust or dirt on her “very black” garments. Little details the “creator” of the photo neglected to add.

I am yet to post something about the so-called Sahria “Law”  and prove that what most politicians and the media’s views are influenced by pro-Zionist terrorism to discredit Islam and Muslims in America. Period.

There is not even a single verse in the Quran that calls for stoning anyone!  Nor does the so-called Sharia “Law” support the stoning and/or killing as claimed. But if Iranians and/or Shiites do this, Islam and Muslims have nothing to do with this.

Does anyone accuse Christianity of being a racist and violent religion based on the KKK and its white-supremacist beliefs? Does one accuse Judaism in general to be an evil religion even when the Talmud contains violent and despicable teachings – from sex with infants to the permissibility of killing any non Jew?


Soncino 1961 Edition, page 57

Stoning in the Bible

1 Samuel 30.6: David was in great danger; for the people spoke of stoning him, because all the people were bitter in spirit for their sons and daughters. But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.

Acts of the Apostles 7.59: While they were stoning Stephen, he prayed, ‘Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.’

2 Corinthians:  Five times I have received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. 25Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I received a stoning.

More from the Bible:

Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)

You should not let a sorceress live. (Exodus 22:17 NAB)

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives. (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)

A man or a woman who acts as a medium or fortuneteller shall be put to death by stoning; they have no one but themselves to blame for their death. (Leviticus 20:27 NAB)

Whoever strikes his father or mother shall be put to death. (Exodus 21:15 NAB)

If one curses his father or mother, his lamp will go out at the coming of darkness. (Proverbs 20:20 NAB)

But if this charge is true (that she wasn’t a virgin on her wedding night), and evidence of the girls virginity is not found, they shall bring the girl to the entrance of her fathers house and there her townsman shall stone her to death, because she committed a crime against Israel by her unchasteness in her father’s house. Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst. (Deuteronomy 22:20-21 NAB)


The flavor of the day is anti Islam and Muslims. The morons of the day do not realize and understand that this is parallel to, and downright antisemitism.  Yet most have been “trained” to associate antisemitism with Jews only.

One only needs to read, research and explore… the truth is right at one’s fingertips.

It’s amusing that we debate and argue the issues of what constitutes Free Speech. Quran burning, attacking the Quran’s text, attacking the Prophet of Islam, dehumanizing Muslims, Arabs, Palestinians, or anyone we don’t understand or “relate” to, will – for the most part – fall under “Free Speech!” Try, on the other hand to express your “Free Speech” right on, say, Judaism: you’re immediately an anti-Semite!

Any of you old enough to remember that at one time, here in the U.S., “Blacks” (African Americans) and “Whites” were segregated? Or that there were signs that did not allow Jews and Dogs in restaurants?

Jews Not Allowed

Has anything changed?

In the work-environment, “Free Speech” is anything but!  Or, why isn’t the following “DON’T’s” also considered free speech?

When one wants to bend the rules, one simply renames the issue/ topic to make it “acceptable.”


Water Cooler Chat

One way to blow off steam and recharge your batteries at work is to chat with co-workers. While talking about topics unrelated to work may seem unproductive, it actually helps to build the relationships that are necessary for good teamwork and workplace morale.

However, it’s important to remember that no matter how comfortable with or friendly toward your co-workers you feel, there are simply some topics that are better suited to Saturday night than Monday morning.

This article explores seven topics that are acceptable, and seven topics that are taboo.

Water cooler do: Sunday hike

Go ahead and highlight the great hike you took on Sunday morning. Sharing your interests, hobbies, and passions is a good way for co-workers to get to know you.

    Water cooler don’t: Sunday service

    Don’t discuss the church service you attended on Sunday morning. Religious preferences should never be discussed at work, and proselytizing is even more off limits.

    It’s fine to tell someone what religion you practice if they ask, but don’t go any deeper than that.

      Water cooler do: Book group book

      Go ahead and enlighten others about the book you are currently reading in book group.

      If you’ve recently found yourself enjoying a real page-turner you can’t put down, other readers at work will definitely appreciate hearing about it.

      Water cooler don’t: Hot button book

      Mentioning the book you are currently reading about health care reform, global warming, or some other political hot button, followed by a 10-minute diatribe stating your opinion is not a good subject for conversation.

      Nothing gets people worked up like politics. It will be best for you in the long run if your colleagues, bosses, and supervisors, all of whom have an impact on your career, aren’t aware of your leanings.

      Water cooler do: Travel talk

      Definitely report on how you spent your recent vacation (without too many boring details).

      Whether you traveled somewhere exotic or explored the local scene on a “staycation,” your  co-workers will most likely love to hear about your experiences.

        Water cooler don’t: Pillow talk

        Keep to yourself what you and your husband/wife/significant other did in the hotel room.

        It’s absolutely verboten to discuss your sex life with co-workers. No one wants to hear about it.

          Water cooler do: Goals and dreams

          Sharing your career and life objectives, as well as how you plan to meet them, not only boosts relationships, it can increase your productivity. When you share your goals with someone, your accountability increases.

            Water cooler don’t: Personal finances

            Sharing how much money you currently make, or how much money you need to make, is unprofessional. Discussing finances is important, as long as these discussions are between you and your family.

            Water cooler do: Family and friends

            Share stories about people you spend your time with outside of work, as long as they are  positive.

            Talking about your spouse, significant other, kids, or other people outside of work who are important to you gives insight into who you are, and shows how you spend your time.

            Water cooler don’t: Personal problems

            Avoid addressing marital, boyfriend, or other personal problems. There are enough issues to solve in the workplace.

            No one needs the added burden of your personal problems. In addition, sharing personal problems indicates a level of familiarity that most co-workers aren’t comfortable with.

              Water cooler do: Restaurant reviews

              Do recount the details of the terrific meal you had last night at the new Tapas joint in town.

              Sharing experiences that others also enjoy is a great way to connect.

              Water cooler don’t: Drunken disorderly

              Don’t notify your colleagues about the six shots of tequila that accompanied your meal.

              Never share any information that casts you in a negative light, or highlights your bad habits.

              Water cooler do: Good news

              Feel free to disclose a co-worker or colleague’s promotion, engagement, new baby, or other good news.

              As long as you have the person’s permission, it’s nice to spread joyful, positive news.

              Water cooler don’t: Bad news

              Don’t reveal a co-worker or colleague’s medical problems, financial problems, marital problems, or other personal problems.

              Sharing negative information portrays you as a gossip, as well as someone who is not trustworthy.

              Keep the chatter cheerful

              Chatting with co-workers and colleagues can be a great way to get to know one another, build relationships, and foster teamwork.

              Sharing can be good for the work environment, as long as you are aware of what to share!

              DO NOT BUY FROM JEWS!
              NO JEWS ALLOWED!
              DEATH TO JEWS!

              These were the phrases (and/or actions) used just before the Holocaust that “ethnically cleansed”  11,000,000 human beings!  Six million were Polish citizens. Three million were Polish Jews and another three million were Polish Christians and Catholics.(source)

              Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel

              ..marked as it is every year by air-raid sirens signaling two minutes of simultaneous nationwide silence in homage to Jews who perished in the Holocaust. Throughout the country, people stop what they’re doing, cars pull to the side of the road, everything literally comes to a halt. People remembering. And saying Never Again. Ironically and at the same time, their F-16’s, tanks, Dime-bombs, Phosphorus bombs and other incendiary weaponry, rain on Palestinian civilians in Gaza, the 21st century Auschwitz Camp. Road blocks throughout Palestinian cities and lands reduce the basic human needs to painful and exhausting chores that Jews in Poland and Germany in the thirties may never have experienced.

              Nazi Germany

              Nazi Israel

              Back to the Future:

              It’s 2010 and we seem to be returning to the past…1933 – 1943 Nazi Germany.  But now it’s not the Polish Jews or Christians. It’s the American Muslims.

              The Phrase: Never Again seems to only apply to Jews! Or Rwanda. Or Darfur! But not Palestinians. Not Muslims. Remember, it’s 2010: the 21st century in which we preach tolerance, liberty democracy and justice for all… all?

              We exclude those whom we have no information on.. or those we just don’t understand!  We play the ignorant card then defend our ignorance and arrogance by repeating some story we may have heard from someone. Then we claim that we’re tolerant!

              We attribute our intolerance to what we perceive as our accepted values!  If your mother or sister decides to walk naked in the street, it’s Freedom of Expression! It’s Art! It’s Civilization! If a Muslim or Orthodox Jewish woman dresses very conservatively and does not show her cleavage or crack, then she’s Abused, Oppressed and.. very different! We hate them!

              Muslim Hijab

              Jewish Hijab

              American prejudice against Muslims, Islam higher than bias against other major faiths

              NEW YORK (AP) — Americans are more than twice as likely to express prejudice against Muslims than they are against Christians, Jews or Buddhists, a new survey found. Nearly two-thirds of Americans say they have little or no knowledge of Islam. Still, a majority dislike the faith.

              The analysis, for release Thursday, is from the Gallup World Religion Survey and is part of a project on finding ways to increase understanding between Americans and Muslims.

              President Barack Obama and his administration want to improve America’s image in the Muslim world. Many analysts who study extremism also say that U.S. Muslims who feel alienated from broader society resist integrating, potentially becoming more vulnerable to radical ideas.

              In the poll, just over half of Americans said they felt no prejudice against Muslims. However, 43 percent acknowledged at least “a little” prejudice against Muslims, a significantly higher percentage than for the other four faiths in the survey.

              About 18 percent of respondents said they had some level of prejudice against Christians, while the figure was 15 percent toward Jews and 14 percent toward Buddhists.

              Asked about knowledge of Islam, 63 percent of Americans say they have “very little” or “none at all.” A large majority of respondents believe most Muslims want peace. Yet, 53 percent of Americans say their opinion of the faith is “not too favorable” or “not favorable at all.” By comparison, 25 percent of Americans say they have unfavorable views of Judaism, while 7 percent say they have “some” or “a great deal” of prejudice toward Jews.

              Personally knowing a Muslim is not linked to a lower level of prejudice, although not knowing a Muslim is related to the greatest level of bias. The authors of the report say this finding underscores the need for better education on what Islam teaches.

              “What really seems to impact one’s perception of a group much more than knowing an individual is having a positive opinion of that group’s distinguishing characteristic, which in this case is their faith,” said Dalia Mogahed, senior analyst and executive director of the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies. “That one person being nice enough could simply be explained as that person being an exception.”

              Respondents who say they attend religious services more than once a week are significantly more likely to have a favorable view of Muslims. Mogahed said people who are more religious generally consider prejudice a moral evil and often have respect for the devout of other faiths.

              Desecrated Torah-1938

              Desecrating the Quran - 70 years later!

              Researchers also found a link between prejudice against Jews and Muslims. Americans who acknowledged “a great deal” of bias toward Jews were much more likely to feel the same about Muslims. The survey results could not explain why the two prejudices are linked. Mogahed said bias against both groups should be tracked and studied together to understand the dynamic.

              “Groups working against the two types of prejudices should perhaps form a closer alliance,” she said.

              The report, from the Muslim West Facts Project, a partnership of Gallup and the Coexist Foundation, is based on a random telephone survey of more than 1,000 adults, conducted from Oct. 31 to Nov. 13 of last year. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.4 percentage points.


              The Florida Security Council‘s self-titled “Free Speech Summit” later this month is bound to be an extravaganza, one in which known Islamophobes will use the guise of free speech to lambaste Islam as a “totalitarian ideology.” The summit will feature the infamous Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders and his propaganda film “Fitna,” released last year to overwhelming international condemnation.

              Wilders will receive the Florida Security Council’s “International Freedom of Speech Award,” and will be one of more than a dozen speakers, including Frank Gaffney and Americans Against Hate‘s Joe Kaufman, expected to spew hate speech in a tainted exercise of the First Amendment.

              The Dutch parliamentarian is currently facing trial in his native Netherlands for inciting hatred and discrimination, namely equating Islam with Nazism and the Qur’an with Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, and has been denied entry into the UK.


              Geert Wilders: If he looks like a pig, he probably is!

              Last week in California, while on his U.S. tour of hatred, Wilders stated that “Muhammad was a warlord, a conqueror, a pedophile and a mass murderer.” In the same speech, Wilders also praised Tom Tancredo, the bigoted former U.S. Congressman who stated his desire to “bomb Mecca.”

              “Tom Tancredo is one of those heroes,” Wilders said. “Last year he introduced his counter-Sharia ‘Jihad Prevention Act’ which would bar the entry of people who advocate Sharia law. This is exactly what the West needs: brave leaders who have the courage to do something against the growing Islamization.”


              Does this remind you of Nazi Germany’s stand against Jews? It seems, again, under the guise of “positive wording” (example: Americans against Hate) that such “Americans” are supportive of hate by introducing sensationalism in their arguments that are absolutely baseless. But try to state you hate Jews, for example, and the world turns upside down and you’re suddenly a racist anti-Semite Nazi! Oy Vey!  What’s good for the goose is not good for the gander here!

              Adding to the growing list of Islamophobes in public office is Florida state representative Adam Hasner, a speaker at the Free Speech Summit, who has in the past not shied away from publicly endorsing films such as Obsession.

              Recently, Representative Hasner became worried when some Muslims constituents planned to speak with their elected officials in Tallahassee. In February 2009, reports state that Rep. Hasner wrote an email to Jewish Tallahassee lobbyists to ask whether they “intend to be part of an information campaign in opposition to” a Florida Muslim Capitol Day organized by the Muslim group United Voices for America. “I intend to host a Jewish Caucus meeting soon to discuss this,” he added, “and would hope that you all will reach a conclusion as to whether your organization intends to provide information or participate…”

              Hungarian Jews selected for gas chamber

              Hungarian Jews "selected" for the Gas Chambers!


              And now it's Arabs and/or Muslims! And by whom? This writing is courtesy of Jewish extremists in Palestine!

              The Florida Security Council’s summit is deplorable for reasons too numerous to count. For example, Frank Gaffney, one of the event’s other sponsors, is linked to an anti-Islam group that has advocated prison terms in the U.S. for “adherence to Islam.” It is interesting how those advocating for freedom of speech have forgotten about the freedom of religion.

              As much as the speakers who are scheduled to participate may claim that their allegations and warnings of the “Islamization” of America and Europe are a result of a relatively small portion of Muslims around the world, the Islamophobes’ words and urgency inevitably blur the line that separates the extremists from the mainstream.

              Wilders and company’s overgeneralization of extremists — reinforced by cherry-picked, and rightly horrendous, images and videos of violence — to the total Muslim population consequently tug at the emotional vulnerabilities of the public. It is important to note that extremists such as Wilders propagate hatred, and freedom is subsequently abused when it is utilized to spread religious and racial bigotry.

              ISLAMOPHOBE will result in a return to Nazism but definitely under a different name. Imagine, instead of Jews wearing the Star of David, American Muslims may be demanded to wear the Star and Crescent!


              For the love of Jerusalem, purify this holy city from Zionists and Zionism!

              The Dome of the Rock

              Zionist Christians and Israelis want us to believe that Jews have the RIGHT to this city. Prove that these racist supremacist groups are lost and wrong is easy. Let’s first look at how some Jewish sites try to justify their ridiculous racist claims; one site even defines who a Jew is as follows (exact copy):

              • Someone who is matrilineally descended from Jacob (AKA Israel) and any of his wives, (wives?)
              • Someone who has properly converted
              • Someone who is matrilineally descended from a proper convert.

              Some of you may be laughing already. The above was stated on a site to justify the Jewness of King David! Some sites I found attempted to justify Jerusalem’s Jewness throug political importance! They knew they had no religious basis for such an absurd claim.

              And they state that the proof is from the Torah! OK, let’s accept this argument. Then to be fair, and likewise, we can say that the proof is also in the Quran, the final revelation and book and Word of God that have remained pure – unlike the Bible or Jewish teachings – unchanged or “revised” and for over 1,400 years.

              The Torah was revealed to Moses

              The Torah was revealed to Moses and therefore, this is the start of Judaism! The Torah was not revealed to Abraham, Jacob (Israel) or the 12 tribes of Jacob (Israel)! Interestingly, the name Israel means nothing more than “servant of God.” If present day Israel is a servant of God, then Hitler was a Prophet!

              Jews don’t consider Solomon as a prophet. Yet they claim his temple? We’ve addressed this in a past post.

              So then, where’s the claim that Jews have the right to Jerusalem let alone Palestine? Dr. Sand (an Israeli professor) also addressed and refuted such.

              To further rebuke and refute the Zionist claim, consider again the Abraham Family Tree

              Note Moses’ place on the following family trees



              The 12 tribes of Prophet Israel were not Jews; they were the first Muslims

              Zionist and extremist Jews want us to believe their bent logic and history that supposedly prove that Palestine is their land. They have attempted to change historical facts as proven by statements made by Ben Gurion and Golda Meir. And they have tried again just recently, attempting to change the facts in Wikipedia before they were caught red-handed! Yet Zionists and their supporters hide such facts and concentrate on the “religious” claim to the land which is baseless.

              One only needs to read about King Solomon in the Bible or in Jewish scriptures and ask the question: why is such a womanizer and drunkard suddenly used as a reason to rebuild “his” temple?


              The Temple of Prophet Solomon; a Muslim Temple!

              If anything, the Temple belongs to Muslims:  for they are the ones who hold the highest regard and respect to King Solomon than does Judaism or Christian Zionism.

              In more modern history,   and in 638, just a few years after the death of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, an army of his followers surrounded Jerusalem. The city Patriarch, Sophronius, handed over the city after a brief siege. There was only one condition; that the terms of their surrender be negotiated directly with Omar ibn al-Khattab, the second Khalif of Islam. Omar entered Jerusalem on foot. There was no bloodshed. There were no massacres. Those who wanted to leave were allowed to, with all their possessions. Those who wanted to stay were guaranteed protection for their lives, their property, and their places of worship in the Omariyya Covenant.

              Compare Oamr’s actions to current-day Israel’s: demolishing homes and evicting Palestinians so that their plans of Judaizing Jerusalem are achieved. If such are the teachings of Judaism, then this is a religion of tyranny and terror! The Israelis claiming to be Jewish have proven to be worse than the Israelites Moses saved from the Pharaoh. After all the signs and miracles they had witnessed, they still wanted to worship a man-made god: the golden calf!